Pain in the back of the elbow
There are various causes for the patient to complain of pain in the back of the elbow. The causes are as following:
1. Olecranon Bursitis
It is the inflammation of the bursa (sac) that covers the olecranon process, a prominent point of the bone in the back of the elbow. The causes of this inflammation could be due to either repeated minor injury to the bursa (so called “Student Elbow” or “Plumper Elbow” for continuous leaning on the elbow), or due to chronic inflammatory diseases (like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout) or rarely due to infection. The patient is complaining from acute or repeated swelling, redness and pain on the back of the elbow. The initial treatment involves rest, compression bandage and padding, and anti-inflammatory tablets (or antibiotic in case of infection). Surgical excision of the bursa is an option if the above do not work. The operation can be done usually as a Day-Surgery case. Further detailed information would be provided during the consultation with Mr. Khalid Ayoub. Back...
2. Posterior Impingement of Elbow
This condition typically occurs due to activities that excessively or repetitively straighten (extension) of the elbow. This repeated trauma causes inflammation of the joint lining and cartilage damage in this area. We see it in association with some sports (like racquet sports, throwing, and gymnasts) as well as with some hard labour jobs. The patient again is complaining from pain and tenderness in the back of the elbow, especially when they try to fully straighten their elbow. The diagnosis is not particularly easy and it may needs special tests (like ultrasound or MRI scans) arranged by the specialist. Commonly the initial treatment includes non-operative measures like rest, anti-inflammatory medication and steroid injection. If all these fail, then surgical treatments would be advisable in the form of either arthroscopic (keyhole) surgery, or open technique depending on the extent of the condition. The operation can be done usually as a Day-Surgery case. Further detailed information would be provided during the consultation with Mr. Khalid Ayoub. Back...
3. Triceps Tendonitis
This is an inflammation or swelling of the triceps tendon where it is connected to the elbow. The main cause is overuse injury to the tendon. It is more common in the body building and weight lifting sports. The patient complains of pain and tender spot in the back of the elbow. Treatment usually composes of rest, rehabilitation, anti-inflammatory medication. If left without treatment, it could potentially lead to partial or even full rupture of the tendon in the future. Back... |